Save any data in any programs that are currently open and running.If you choose to end the program immediately, you will lose any unsaved data.

(The 'Status' column should show "Not Responding" next to the program). Under the 'Task' column, click on the program that is "Not Responding" and you would like to shut down.Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC on the keyboard to bring up the Windows Task Manager.Here's the quickest way to get "Not Responding" programs to shut down quickly:

Sometimes you don't want to wait a few minutes to have the program come back to life and in these instances you need a quick solution to close down the program and get on with things. When a Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 program locks up and says "Not Responding" it can be quite annonying having it to wait for the program to snap out its non-responding state.