In this way, NIM allows you to minimize network problems without manual intervention. When the NIM-applied action is removed, the previously applied client-specific parameter (locally configured or RADIUS-assigned) is re-applied unless there have been other configuration changes to the parameter. NIM-applied parameters temporarily override RADIUS-configured and locally configured parameters in an authentication session. NOTE: NIM actions only support the configuration of per-port rate-limiting and VLAN ID assignment NIM does not support CoS (802.1p) priority assignment and ACL configuration.

This includes both configurable security options and physical access to the switch. It is important to evaluate the level of management access vulnerability existing in your network and take steps to ensure that all reasonable security precautions are in place. Since security incidents can originate with sources inside as well as outside of an organization, your access security provisions must protect against internal and external threats while preserving the necessary network access for authorized clients and users. When preparing the switch for network operation, therefore, HP strongly recommends that you enforce a security policy to help ensure that the ease in getting started is not used by unauthorized persons as an opportunity for access and possible malicious actions.

In its default configuration the switch is open to unauthorized access of various types. HP switches are designed as “plug and play” devices, allowing quick and easy installation in your network.